The Design Blog

The Design Blog

The Design Blog featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Cryptographic Beings

Cryptographic Beings is a Bio-Hybrid machine manipulating photosynthetic organisms through rules implemented in soft and hardware. It showcases a newly developed technology for information storage that leverages the ability of algae to perceive light. This robotic installation consists of 30 vegetal bits in the shape of glass vessels containing living organisms. Using a pair of motorized arms, the machine can expose each of the algae to light, encoding binary information in their state. Can humans design tools that are not only bio-inspired but made of, with and for living organisms?

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Blossom Wonder

This interactive art installation, titled Blossom Wonder, reimagines the concept of "flower cultivation" by seamlessly blending digital innovation with realistic landscapes, making it an ideal feature for this year's Design Yearbook. This innovative fusion introduces an intelligent ecosystem to the traditional natural garden, showcasing the inherent vitality of plants and flowers. Through its vivid portrayal of life's messages and energy, Blossom Wonder aims to inspire viewers, offering a rejuvenating and healing experience for each individual.

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Story Index

When an art installation aims to represent a region or a community through design, it is impossible to be fully comprehensive. From the initial concept, the goal is to maximize public participation by inviting diverse voices and images that respond to the installation. Through online and social media networks, people could tag the exhibition on their Instagram stories, and people's stories have the potential to be included in the Story index. As the designs merge and become a part of the historical index, they break down barriers between reality and virtuality.

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Waiting for the Wave in Metaverse

This artwork is a visualisation of the momentary shape of a wave in perfect shape for surfing that is aesthetically pleasing and gives the audience pleasant confusion simultaneously. It was created through a creative process between digital and physical, mixing reality and virtual reality in collaboration with EPFL. It attempts to generate an experience in nature and reaffirms the supple strength of human cognitive abilities that select aesthetic experiences actively to create a better future. A sense of human existence will remain unchanged forever, even in a future where reality is in chaos.

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Luminous Island

Took the ocean as the inspiration and integrated the characteristics of Penghu to create the exhibition with the theme of the underwater world in the fall and winter. Visitors walk into the light corridor as if they were walking under the sea. Various types of lanterns lead the audience to follow the waves and explore the exciting music festival. Sea creatures swim under the moonlight. The exhibition combines the elements of the ocean and the stars, like the starlight of Penghu at night, surrounding the island.

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ReCollection is an AI art experience that synthesizes personal memories based on users' language input, blurring the boundaries between remembrance and imagination through AI system design and experimental visualization. ReCollection transforms participants' voice input of fragmented stories into an evolving artistic visualization. Beyond its potential as a future therapeutic prototype for dementia groups, this work provides new possibilities for collective memories and cultural reproduction.

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